For further information,please contact: Hakan Ozgokcen Partner Publications 29/12/2021 09/06/2022 Competition Law BulletinPublicationsCompetitionGeneralWe would like to share our Quarterly Competition Law Bulletin to provide our views regarding the recent updates in the Turkish competition law ecosystem.Please click the below image to download our note. Recommended for youDoing Business in Türkiye 2024Banks’ Customer Due Diligence ExpandedCompetition Authority Publishes Draft Communiqué on De Minimis ExceptionCOVID-19 Pandemic – FAQ on Turkish Data Privacy and Foreign DPA ViewsImportant Decision by the Constitutional Court on Lawsuits with Unquantified ClaimsAmendment of Regulation on the Protection of Breeder’s Rights of New Plant VarietiesChanges to Verification of FX TransfersNew Work Permit Evaluation Criteria AnnouncedTurkey Raises Threshold for Consumer Courts in 2021Comprehensive Amendments Regarding Tax Procedural Law under Law No. 7524TİTCK Publishes Guidelines for Renewal of Manufacturing Site Permits