For further information,please contact: Hakan Ozgokcen Partner Publications 29/12/2021 09/06/2022 Competition Law BulletinPublicationsCompetitionGeneralWe would like to share our Quarterly Competition Law Bulletin to provide our views regarding the recent updates in the Turkish competition law ecosystem.Please click the below image to download our note. Recommended for youDoing Business in Türkiye 2025The Turkish Competition Authority revised the turnover thresholds for mandatory merger control filingsTurkey determines new favorable rates for RUSF, stamp tax and title deed feesAmendments to the Check Law’s Regulation on the Penalty for the Offense of Drawing A Bounced CheckCustomer Disputes Are Subject to Mandatory Prerequisite MediationTurkey permits state court interim attachments before enforcement of arbitral awardsThe Turkish Competition Board Does Not Tolerate Digital Data Wiping During Dawn Raids, As Confirmed By Four Recent Administrative FinesCompetition Board issued a landmark decision on the interplay of competition and intellectual property laws in the search-based advertising fieldDraft Crypto Law, Once AgainRecent Developments on Turkish Capital Markets RegulationsAmendments on Decree on the Pricing of Pharmaceutical