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The European Parliament adopted the Data Governance Act

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On 6 April 2022, the European Parliament adopted the Data Governance Act (DGA). As part of the European Data Strategy, the DGA will become law after it is adopted by the Council of the EU. The draft DGA is available online here.

What does the DGA cover?

The DGA aims to allow the reuse and sharing of data such as trade secrets, personal data or intellectual property rights between sectors and EU countries, by building trust across data intermediaries and ensuring the safety of the rights.

Given the impact of data processing on the development and provision of innovative products and services, the DGA is an important legislative step in creating a data economy within the EU. With the implementation of the DGA, the use of data is expected to increase in the fields of AI, scientific research and the production of goods and services, which will also accelerate the EU’s digital transformation.

The DGA includes provisions that regulate the reuse of data, facilitate data altruism and introduce data intermediaries and the European Data Innovation Board. You may access our previous legal alert on the draft DGA here.

Link between the DGA and the Data Act

The EU previously published the draft Data Act as part of the European Data Strategy. With the Data Act, the EU aims to promote the use of data by different actors and sectors while, with the DGA, the EU facilitates data sharing to make data available in various fields. You may access our previous legal alert on the draft Data Act here.


As part of the EU’s legislative actions on data strategies in the EU, the DGA is now close to its final stage of implementation. With the implementation of the DGA, the reuse of public sector data among EU countries in different fields, including AI, health and production is expected to increase and data sharing to be promoted.