For further information,please contact: Can Sozer Partner Publications 01/06/2022 09/06/2022 Protection Newsletter – June 2022PublicationsIT & CommunicationsGeneralWe summarized the important data privacy developments of May 2022 in Turkey and from around the world.To find out more, you may click the below image and download our Data Protection Newsletter. Recommended for youDoing Business in Türkiye 2024What Kind of Amendments Does the Bill Dated 16 November 2021 Envisage in the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works Numbered 5846?TRABIS era begins on 29 September 2022: what is the METUnic TRABIS Backorder Service that will operate until TRABIS becomes operational and how does it work?New Era in Cross-Border Data TransfersAmendment made to the Regulation on the Implementation of the Coastal LawUpdated Minimum Equity Requirements for Turkish PSPs and E-Money IssuersBRSA Green Lights Bank Dividend DistributionsCOVID-19: New Incentives and Supports Relating to Working LifeCourt of Cassation Renders Judgment Calculating the Commencement Date of Legal Time Limits for Electronically Served Notices As Of The Reading DateTurkey Publishes Preparation Guidelines on Turkish PharmacopeiaTurkey publishes the Regulation on the Certification of Simple Accommodation Facilities and Beach Establishments