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Turkish Pharmaceutical Market: What the Numbers Say

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Recent developments

The Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (the “TİTCK”) recently published its third survey report (the “Report”) on the Turkish pharmaceutical market. The Report analyzes the pharmaceutical market in Turkey in terms of sales volumes for the term of June-December 2014 (the “Term”).  The Report is available here (in Turkish).

What the Report Says

The Report mainly focuses on the sales values and market shares of the pharmaceutical companies during the Term, as well as export and import amounts of pharmaceutical products from or into Turkey. The Report further provides a market analysis for biotechnological products and oncology medicines based on the data collected during the Term.

The Report presents some significant results, including the following:

  • In 2014, the average unit price of medicines increased by 9.9%, from TRY 7.51 to TRY 8.26.
  • 84.31% of the aggregate amount of medicine sales in 2014 belongs to medicines covered by the Social Security Institution, while 14.16% were purchased by the patients themselves, and 1.53% were covered by private insurances.
  • In 2014, Turkey produced 4,339 medicines and 2,234 medicines were imported from foreign countries.
  • The top three medicine types sold in the highest amounts in 2014 are anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic medicines, analgesics and treatment products for acid related diseases.
  • Between 2011 and 2014, the market share of the licensed biotechnological products (in terms of sales values) increased from 10% to 15%; however, 99.23% of these products were imported into Turkey.
  • Oncology medicines have the highest sales amounts based on the treatment areas globally, whereas in terms of sales values, account for only 11% in the global market.

The TİTCK Report provides detailed information and statistics regarding the Turkish pharmaceutical market. Pharmaceutical companies should review the Report with due care and plan their future steps accordingly.

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